
This is a company specializing in providing Software Solutions (Software), Service Solutions (Service) and Security Solutions (Security) for Banks, Financial and Insurance institutions, the Government of Vietnam and multinational worldwide companies. Department of Industry each of our products includes the following solutions:
- Software Solutions
- Services Solutions
- Security Solutions
With the criteria of discovering talents and nurturing talents with all the morals, vision and pioneers, when you come with us, it will be like your own company, your own home, we are one

- React JS, React Native, iOS, Android, PHP, Angular JS.
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1396 Report
- Following requirement of SBV.
Circular 13 & 41 System Report
- Following requirement of SBV.
InRule Licensing
- Following standard of InRule.
Customize Software
-Following requirement of Customer.
Basel 2
“ ANEWS is the first news channel in Vietnam to apply artificial intelligence technology to produce fully automated professional video news. The channel always updates the latest 24h news of the day.”
Basel 2 version English
“Quick overview of Basel II framework that sets capital requirements for banks. Three pillars contains the rules & support (supervisor review, market discipline) that say how much eligible regulatory capital must be held against risk-weighted assets.”
Balsel 2 version Viet Nam
“Basel 2 - Step by step approach to international standards. Basel 2 - pressure to implement in Vietnamese commercial banks. basel2: Challenges from increasing human capital - barriers to basel 2 application for commercial banks. In 2020, 70% of commercial banks apply basel 2: is it feasible or not?”
ISO 20000-1
“Lynda Cooper, project editor of ISO 20000-1 and associate consultant at Ozona Consulting, presents the main news in the new edition that will be published in December 2018.”
Our Team
With the criteria of discovering talents and nurturing with all the Mind, Range and Area. Team of us look forward to bringing our services up and down the country, proud to be Vietnamese. With a simple environment, modern working style, but no less sociable, honest, straightforward. With the goal of all for customers, for the value of human loxicuar, for the development of each individual in us today and tomorrow. We attract people with such factors to accompany and grow. Come with us, like your own company, your own home.